DigID APK voor Android beschikbaar stellen

TL;DR: Beste rijksoverheid / digid / logius, maak de digid app a.u.b. als APK download beschikbaar (dat kan vrij eenvoudig) en idealiter daarna ook als open source beschikbaar. Verder overweeg HOTP en TOTP (in combinatie met FreeOTP) als vervanging van SMS voor 2FA. TL;DR2: Beste mede-burger, laat digid weten dat je ook een APK beschikbaar wilt hebben. Stuur hiervoor via Twitter een berichtje naar @digidwebcare of een e-mail naar info@digid.nl .

Android's best kept secret

TL;DR: Android has a secret which, apparently, is still not well known. It is… the ‘skip’ button, because you do not need a Google account to use your Android smartphone. Recently my wife switched over to a new mobile phone ( Fairphone ). During the setup, I showed her the ‘skip’ button. With that, you can skip the Google registration of your phone (which most people believe is mandatory, but is actually optional).

Reclaim your face

Onderneem actie en onderteken de Europese petitie tegen biometrische surveillance. Het is een initiatief vanuit Europese burgers, die (terecht) bezorgd zijn over de biometrische surveillance die steeds grotere vormen aanneemt. Bits Of Freedom heeft er een mooi artikel over geschreven met achtergrond informatie.

wpull running on Ubuntu 20.10

As some of you might know, I have a tendency to be an archivist sometimes. This makes me appreciate the online resources we have (and often are not well known), such as the internet archive or the wayback machine. Luckily there are more archivists online, for example the archive team and likeminded people at DataHoarder (reddit). And apparently there is also a awesome web archiving list. anarcat also has a good post about Website mirroring and archival.

Microsoft Teams on Linux

For my job I am required to use Microsoft Teams. Preferbly I use it on a Linux desktop using the deb or snap packages (it is great that those are provided). However there are some issues which you should be aware of. Meeting URLs not working TL;DR if you want to be able to join Microsoft Teams meetings using a URL, you should stick with the older version and not update to the newer 1.

parted bug/enhancement

So imagine, you want to edit the root partition of your server (to enlarge it), and you suddenly could not do that anymore with your favourite tool parted. Today I was confronted with this error on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (SLES12SP5) machine using parted 3.1 : Error: Partition /dev/sda2 is being used. You must unmount it before you modify it with Parted. What fresh hell is this? Maybe it is an “enhancement”?

Lego vs Borg cube

My girls are building lego borg cubes, should we be worried? Borg cube image is a courtesy of the Memory-Alpha Fandom wiki

Current microphone setup

Today a friend asked me what my microphone setup looked like. He saw the mic arm and it peaked his interest. So why not share it in general… History My gaming headset broke and I had to fall back to my Sony MDR-7506 headphones and well, they are really comfortable and the audio quality is great. I looked around at the prices for a new gaming headset and was quite shocked at how much they nowaday cost.

Translators, please do not translate everything

TL;DR I’m grateful for translations by translators. But translating everything causes icons to break. Ubuntu MATE 20.04 has several broken icons and most of them are fixed in Ubuntu MATE 20.10 already. Advice: Please do NOT translate the ‘Icon’ text, just leave that translation blank (""). Copy/pasting the English text will cause superfluous lines in .desktop files and might cause additional work later (if the original name is updated, you will need to copy and paste that string again).

st, xft and ubuntu 20.04.1

Some time ago I switched to AwesomeWM and with that came another change, my default terminal emulator. Having used GNOME terminal for years, I soon switched to Terminator back in the day. Leaving GNOME behind, in search for a more lean desktop with less frills and more keyboard centric features, I also had to ditch that terminal emulator (it has too many dependencies for my use case). Eventually I stumbled upon st, which fit the bill.