Mozilla Firefox has been a privacy-first browser for years and is excellent. Recently I found my way to (yet another page on the excellent) page on the Arch wiki, about Firefox privacy. There I found out about the following setting (which can be modified in about:config) to increase/enhance your privacy to resist fingerprinting even more:
privacy.resistFingerprinting The wiki page includes a warning (which, I hoped for, would have been exaggerated). It made me find a bug in the website of a primary school, but also broke DRM playback for a major streaming service.
Onderneem actie en onderteken de Europese petitie tegen biometrische surveillance. Het is een initiatief vanuit Europese burgers, die (terecht) bezorgd zijn over de biometrische surveillance die steeds grotere vormen aanneemt. Bits Of Freedom heeft er een mooi artikel over geschreven met achtergrond informatie.
About 5 months ago I moved away from Whatsapp (owned by Facebook) to Signal and today I moved away from Facebook itself. It has been on my to do list for a while already. Watching Zondag met Lubach this week gave me the final push to put my Facebook account removal at the top of my to do list. Arjen Lubach even created a Facebook event (quite funny) called "Bye Bye Facebook", which was scheduled for yesterday evening at 20.
About 2 weeks ago the developers behind the cryptocurrency Monero (Bitcoin 2.0) released an update of their software. When the blockchain reached block 1546000 a few days ago, the updated software release became mandatory to use. Please update your Monero software as soon as possible. Updates can be acquired from their website.
Use Monero - picture from
Morgen is het zover, stemmen voor de gemeenteraad EN voor het referendum over de Wiv, ook wel beter bekend als de sleepwet. Bij deze wil ik iedereen vragen om (als je toch al gaat stemmen) ook jouw stem uit te brengen in verband met het referendum. Mocht je mijn mening willen weten, stem tegen.
Kort door de bocht: de wet is te vaag, het oordeel van de toezichthouder moet bindend zijn, de bewaartermijn is te lang, de diensten kunnen (te) makkelijk persoonsgegevens doorspelen naar het buitenlandse diensten en de gegevens van veel onschuldige burgers worden meegesleept terwijl dat niet nodig is.
Tuesday the 14th of November 2017 was the day that Mozilla released their newest (and fastest) release of Firefox until now: Firefox 57, Quantum. Reading the "marketing" text about more speed, less memory usage and a more beautiful browser, I was skeptical. After a quick download off their archive servers, I was very pleasantly surprised.
Firefox Quantum is quite a bit faster than the previous versions, even I notice it. I have not really checked the memory usage, but it seems to be a bit more efficient (my virtual machine with Firefox in it has more free RAM available than before whilst browsing online).